आप अपने क्षेत्र की हलचल को चित्रों और विजुअल समेत नेटप्रेस पर छपवा सकते हैं I सम्पर्क कीजिये सेल नम्बर 0 94165 57786 पर I ई-मेल akbar.khan.rana@gmail.com दि नेटप्रेस डॉट कॉम आपका अपना मंच है, इसे और बेहतर बनाने के लिए Cell.No.09416557786 तथा E-Mail: akbar.khan.rana@gmail.com पर आपके सुझाव, आलेख और काव्य आदि सादर आमंत्रित हैं I


Mission India Foundation: MMR Vaccination project completed

On January 27,2011, Mission India Foundation (http://www.mifusa.org/) reached the milestone of 4000 MMR vaccinations given to kids in Narnaul District of Haryana. This completes Phase 1 of our project. The team working in India (Board member Dr Ved Yadav, Operations Manager Neeraj, and Vijay Lakshmi- the health worker) deserves all the salutation for carrying out the project in an efficient manner. A special thanks to all the volunteers and donors who made this possible in a time span of less than a year (the project was launched on April 7,2010). But the work does not end here, we need to continue this great work and we need all the help we can get to achieve the same success going forward. Support the Cause of One Vaccine at a Time; One Kid at a time!

Please visit http://www.mifusa.org/ for updates and your continued support.

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